Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

(i) It stand for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
(ii) It is a application level Protocol for distributed, Collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It also called as Stateless Protocol.
(iii) It can be used by the Web server to transmit the HTML documents over the Internet. and also used to handle the web application through the Internet.
(iv) You can use HTTP when you are browsing the web.
(v) The default TCP port no of an HTTP is 40.
(vi) HTTP is normally used in every web pages.

(i) It stand for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol for Secure Socket Layer.
(ii) It is a Web Protocol used by the Browsers and the Web Server to encrypt and decrypt user page requests and the pages return by the server.
(iii) It is used to enable secure E-commerce Tractions.
(iv)You can use HTTPS when you are interact with a encryption for commercial exchange or any type of secure tractions.
(v) The default TCP port no of an HTTPS is 443.
(vi) HTTPS is normally used in login pages, shopping/commercial sites.

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